In 2022, in Romania, 40,000 children were diagnosed with autism. 1 in 54 children.
How much does this mean? Think about a school. There are 4 classrooms, 100 children.
At least 4 of them are diagnosed with autism.
These are statistics. But behind these numbers are real stories.
Since 2008, we - Autism Voice Association have been working with the families behind these statistics.
In the 2 therapy centers opened in Bucharest, 400 children now receive the support and guidance to integrate into society,
From specialized ABA therapy to classes with parents and teachers.
To succeed, a child must be included in a specialized program with 2 to 6 hours of therapy per day. Therapy cannot be offered sporadically.
Facem eforturi constante să susținem familiile atât cât ne permit resursele și căutăm constant soluții de finanțare.
The minimum cost for a 2 hour/day program is 2,700 lei, month by month, so we set out to raise the necessary funds for our little ones.
We wish to fulfill our mission
We wish to fulfill our mission through sponsorships from companies and individual donations,
Noi credem că în fiecare dintre noi este o latura de super-om și este nevoie doar de un motiv întemeiat pentru a scoate la iveală super-eroul din noi.
Copii precum Diana, Marian sau Gabriel și alții 397 ca ei, sunt motivul.
Thank you!